the skeleton key

The Skeleton Key

Have you heard about VooDoo? Pernah? What is it? Now, what about HooDoo? Haha...ganjil kah? the same expression for me and my wife masa kami liat cerita The Skeleton Key. This is the movie with one of the best story plot, which got u thinking all the time of the movie. You might ask, "apa kan?" "what the hell is happening here?" and it makes u wanna stay in front of ur tv to know what is going on next. really, i've never been so rakat depan tv and interested in any movie, and this is the third one (after Naruto and Bleach series...hehehe...)

The story goes when this nurse wants to help an elderly family, kira kan mengasuh lah tu, then proceeding she found out something is not right in the house, as well as the family. she suspected sumtin is happening, and due to this curiosity, she began her "Nancy Drew" project. Again proceeding, she soon found out something that she is not supposed to know, hidden inside the house. And not going to spoil lah, especially to those yang belum pernah liat this movie. Watch it, it gets u thinking...


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