
Showing posts from October, 2019


Alhamdulillah, first draft done. Next, review followed by audition. #preproduction #screenplay #script

This date, 2 years ago. No matter how careful you drive, remember, there are others who drive like idiot and assuming you're Professor X. RIP Jason.

Back in 2010, we tried to introduce PLC, PLN, Next Gen of Teachings and Learning via new media and convinced teachers to embrace changes. Sadly, I'd say it was not really well accepted. Fast forward, look around you! PLC, PLN, new media, GoogleDocs, surveys, they are everywhere!!! Maybe we were too fast ahead of our time. #throwback @izadmajid @zulfadly

Reminder. #salamjumaat

1st draft

Ideas overflow

I gave this studying tip to my students who have problems allocating time to study back from 2010 to present. Yep it doesn't sound realistic, but have a try. 5 min today, 6 min tomorrow and so on.

Not sure since when does it become this efficient. Normally, it only lasted 20hrs max. Now? I barely need to charge it. #androidwear #wearos #moto3602ndgeneration

Grading examination. #latepost #royalacademyofdance