Chong Hock tutup???

it was just yesterday, i was with my wife. kami tu kan ke kadai CH tu, hajat ni kan membali dvd CSI:NY. sekali nya, tutup tia. no idea what happen, since it was tuesday, so macam nada excuse dorang kan tutup kadai ari biasa ani. then, last nite, we were watching news on rtb1, n dari sana lah we know what happen...panya kadai tu kana paksa tutup, sal cuba menipu kerajaan. Cana? they were found to have modified the prepaid electricity meter, so that they will pay less than what they were meant to. huh, handal jua ah... i thought meter lama ja yang dapat dimodified ni, panya the latest technology pun dorg sapu jua. memang hebat!!!


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