masa sekolah rendah

ok. masa di ubd, ada this topic yg aku masih inda puas hati. according to the research, "it is normal for children to cry during their first day in school and not comfortable, since they are not used to the new environment. The children is not normal if they enjoy the first day." Iatah masa tu i was in deep and long argument with the lecturer, since i did not agree with that statement. the lecturer even said (dengan konpidennya), no kids in Brunei like to go to the school, since they view the school macam merampas dorang punya kesukaan kan bermain. he even challenged me to look for one kid yang suka kan sekolah masa awal2. so apa aku cakap? i know one kid yang suka sangat2 kan sekolah masa masuk pre-school. who? you are looking and arguing with him right now!!! colleagues masa tu terdiam ni. macam nda pernah2 org kan argue sama lecturer. i think after that argument, that lecturer think that she needs to think twice before making a remark. u better do...

really, i like to go to the school. my mom masa tu selalu ceta apa2 yang siok di sekulah. ada kawan baru, ada ramai cikgu, ada permainan yang kan dimain...that makes me excited, bukan sikit, A LOT! iatah masa masuk sekolah tu kan, macam heran ku masa tu, napa banyak kanak2 (aku pun kanak2 lah masa tu) menangis. nda dorg malu kah? im not buat2 ceta, its the truth. hahaha...even ada one of my classmate tekirit masa tu kan, ku cakap jua rahnya, napa ko nda beria ke jamban? apa nya nah? aku mana tau mana jamban, nda kana gitau leh mama. hahaha...
.... to be continued....


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