try to understand other people first, then you conclude

i could not remember since when did i get interested in knowing the feeling of different kind of job. frankly, i am very sick when people start to compare their own job with others, such as their work is much more heavier that person B, but that person B got higher pay than his. what is this?

i used to agree with this. but then, i was wondering, is the job really that bad? is it not worth the pay? so what did i do? i started to apply for some random job, and at the same time if i got the chance, i will kind of "interview" other people, finding out what they feel about their job.

the first job that i did was as a toilet cleaner (yes, im not bluffing). people say that it is a DIRTY job, so i applied for the post to feel it. yes, people looked down on this job, and i did feel it when i did this. but people did not know the joy of it. one of the seniors said that he did not plan to quit this job, since it is a very simple ones, and of course the payment is worth it.

another time, i met this soldier in one of the majlis kahwin. i started to talk to him, just some kind of stuff. after that, i started the topic of what did he do as an army. people said that it is an easy job. you go to the office, then that's it. nothing to do. so this army said, people misunderstood that. in the military, the army are divided into several division, and they are assigned to several posts, such as ada yang jadi kerani, mechanics etc depending on their qualification. soldiers don't just come, sit around, buat kawad, pigi hutan whatever. they have something else to do...

now, a teacher. people used to say that job as a teacher is very easy. you go to the school, to the classroom, then teach what you have in mind. now i am in this area, i am going to explain it myself. not being biased, work as a teacher is VERY challenging. what people see is not what they think. teacher needs to prepare lesson plans every week, prepare the works for the students, mark students' works, prepare their mentality before coming to the class. other than teaching, teachers also do other sort of non-teaching works. people say teachers only work halfday to compare with other people in the govt. yes it is true, and why is that? teachers need to rest their mind and energy for the next day's challenges, and they need a lot of time for that.

i still got a lot of things to mention here about people and their job, but it could be longer. so i guess that is all for this post. now, whatever we do, try to (at least) respect other people's job, and do not compare them with ours. just in case that other people really is not serious about their work (or makan gaji buta, sal nda buat keraja banar2), bear in mind; Allah sentiasa melihat apa yang kita buat. what they gained might not be berkat anymore, and this will affect their own family


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