foreign driver not respecting our leader

another scene here, on this same day. i was on my way balik dari majlis kahwin, so kan melintas Istana Nurul Iman. dari jauh dah nampak polis standby on the road, waving to give us the signal to slow down. paham2 lah tu ah, our royalties kan melintas jalan. right infront of me, there was this Kancil, bearing a foreign number, QM something. believe it or not, macam inda ujud bah polis ah. dilajukannya tah plg the car, sikit lagi kan melanggar polis tu. that polis macam sasak berabis lah, i think he wants to pull his gun, nasib baik his friend sabarkan. very disrespectful. Oi, this is our country, please respect our country, our laws. if u dont feel like doing it, dont come here anymore! i felt like kan menguyung bah, pakal ganya jauh dah, nda lagi nampak...aiya...


apa nah? sejak bila ko sampai Brunei ni kan?
Zadm said…
mcm panas rasanya blog mu ani. Apa macam?
Azimah Rosli said…
o_o" sory nyampuks but that is impossiblee.. gagaa. hi sir/zadm. :D:D gagaga.

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