bz body

dis morning, i was driving along our road in Lumapas. there was this car infront of me. its my driving habit to keep my distance, around 3 cars lah kira2nya tu. i guess we were driving around 90kmh when SUDDENLY the car infront of me hit the brake, slowing down from 90 to 40. my distance with it @rse was very close already. i was wondering (and very very angry) that i hit my horn. what the hell just happen that make him brake? rupanya, there were this kereta bomba, 2 buah siring2 jalan, so ia slow down untuk melihat what is happening.

that feels just "great" of our people. very "concern" on what is happening. NOT! this is what i call busybody, yang suka menyusahkan orang! if he feels like knowing what happen, why not siringkan kereta, keluar kereta and aga. jalan raya bukan tempat kan menyibuk. i really don't like this attitude. know why?

i once saw an accident right infront of my eyes. since very concern, ku siringkan kereta, n try to find out what i can help. out of hundreds of VERY YOUNG DRIVER yang melintas, only myself and this guy yang turun menolong the victim. yang lain behapa? simple steps: perlahankan kereta, subuk saja rah tabuk, then udah limpas the scene just say "kesian ih..." what the hell?

catu jua kalo ada accident lain. drivers tend to slow down, making themself busy BUT NOT HELPING! mun perlahan ani kan menolong inda jua...once ada accident tu, a car infront of me very slow, mun dah sampai 10kmh ganya, iatah kan horn plg nah...mbari sasak. mun nda menolong, jalan tarus la. pedah... i guess this is what they call "curiosity killed the cat"


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