last year, masa cuti bulan 12, i took about 2 weeks of cuti inda begaji to take my wife for our honeymoon, but then the title HONEYMOON was cancelled due to some unforeseen circumstances. by the way, we went to egypt to visit my wife's youngest brother. this is the visit that opened my eyes and mind. sebelum ke egypt, kami transit di dubai. i didn't believe that dubai was that famous until we arrived at the airport. just one word...WAHLAU!!! haha...kan compare sama airport tani? perumpamaan besar Brunei sama Borneo bah. dan pasal besar lah, ngalih kami jalan2 rah airport tu. doing some windows shopping. since kami transit lama banar (about 22 hours), kami berkesempatan keluar dari airport, then visit the dubai mall. another word... WOW!!! kan compare sama mall tani di gadong? hehe...nya org brunei, 10-chu ketinggalan. basar berabis... (to be continued)