mengejar impian

cewah, macam malu tah ku plg membaca title of my post ani. hehe, membari kambang bulu.

k, about the title. it is true, all of us ada impian, and ada macam2 cara orang buat kan buru impian ani. some work very hard, some do it honest way and ada jugak yang try to get it the dirty, shorter way. it is not my business to talk about the ways people do though, anyway aku peduli hapa!

what i want to focus here is, impian orang kan jadi kaya. huiii, sapa tak mau jadi kaya kan. ada one time, this person approached me, offering this scheme that would make my money multiplies in no time, by joining this scheme on the net. yup, very attractive especially considering the return. say, you invest $10k, in a week you will get $20k without doing any extra work, nda payah kan sangal2 kaja. however, i rejected the proposal politely, saying i'm very happy with what i got now.

actually, there is another reason. i doubted the source of the money, is it halal? haaa, iatah yang mahal tu. kata seorang ustaz, kalau dah ragu2, jangan teruskan. it applies in whatever you do. kalau udah memakan rezeki yang dari sumber bukan halal, jadi daging kitani, then turun lagi ke anak dan keturunan kitani, bukan kah naya tu, teruk kali ah. for me, biar tia aku bekeraja susah2, ngalih2, biar tia merasa susah kan cari duit atu, so that we appreciate the money that we worked for. nda ja? tepuk dada, tanya iman


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