PSR promise

just recently, result for PSR was out. what's so special? nothing really. just reminded me of my wife's students last year. dorang ni bleh dikategorikan sebagai average to weak students. tapi alhamdulillah, berkat kesabaran their teacher (my wife lah tu), she managed to guide them successfully. for motivation, my wife promised them that if they managed to get very good results, my wife will treat with something special. guess what? they did it!!! so sebagai "habuan" for the top 5 students (believe me, one of them was considered very weak, but then managed to get an outstanding results), we took them to stay di salah sebuah hotel terkenal di Gadong. don't want to say ih, ada yang jeles karang. hehehe... bilik ali2 lah, kami dua sebuah, dorang berlima sebuah, but our rooms are connected by this door inside. hehe...really proud of them...


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