ultrasound at ripas

been a while since i updated my blog eh. hehehe...ryte. last wednesday, i was having this fever, so i went to the clinic, and at the same time, i sent my wife for ultrasound scanning appointment at the ripas. last time at the govt clinic, the doctor said that, there might be fibroid. we were not really satisfied (and kinda shocked) with the claim, so that the next day, i took my wife to this private clinic to confirm the claim. the doctor of this clinic said "mana ada fibroid." we were kinda relieved, but still my wife was very worried. now back to the wednesday's story.

the nurses who did the scanning confirmed that, there is no fibroid. alhamdulillah, nyaman hati tarus. however, the doctor asked my wife to come again at these date, to confirm lah tu nya. the nurse who did the scanning was furious when my wife told her. "mana ada fibroid, luan jua inda percaya doktor atu...diri sendiri pun inda pandai memakai scanning machine..." haha, tekajut jua kami tu, a doctor doesn't know how to operate the machine? what the heck? yang penting, that nurse suruh datang plg saja, tapi ia cancel "fibroid complication" on my wife's card. she said "jan watir ah, pecaya tah rah kami. nada fibroid tu.." whatever it is, i will keep on praying for the safety of wife and our future child.


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