
i remember long time ago, i heard this ceramah about the dream meeting our prophet. kalau kita bermimpi berjumpa dengan nabi, it is for real, and in fact, not a dream. it is real, and not the jelmaan makhluk lain since iblis memang inda dapat menyerupai nabi. jangan kan menyerupai, kan menjadi bayang2 nabi pun inda dapat. ok, now why do i raise this issue? because...i did meet our prophet in my dream. not once, but twice.

pertama kali jumpa baginda, it was a long time ago. baginda merenung my face, with a smile. what i can describe, wajah baginda yang tersenyum tu teramat bersih dan bercahaya. i dont want to describe fully lah, karang lain tah plg nya orang. that time, memang amat tenang rasa hati. walaupun inda batah i met him, it was more than enough.

the second time, was about two years ago. this is what i saw. ada satu kumpulan lelaki, berjubah putih, sedang berkumpul dalam satu bulatan, sedang bermesyuarat. i was standing not far from them until one of the guys called me, to sit just next to him. i really have no idea who were them, until one of them called the guy next to me (the one who called me to sit next to him), "Ya Rasulullah..." then, baru tah terperasan kan...and again, their faces are very clean and bercahaya. i have no idea what they were discussing, since they were talking in arab. i did catch their names though. Saiyyidina Abu Bakar and the other, Saiyyidina Ali. My dream ended with Rasulullah gave me a smile, and an advice (in Malays), "hati-hati".

I was very grateful. to confirm the dream, i asked one ustaz about it and friends of mine (one is bakal hafiz). they said that the dream is in fact true, and the people i was meeting were in fact true and real person, bukan jelmaan. they even said that, these dreams should be shared, and that is what i did.

i shared this dream to my form 5 students (in tuition school) just to get one of the student's brother to make fun of it. (he was my ex-student too). "sir, kita tau apa? aku semalam mimpi bah, jumpa pihin ajis. nya, bisai2 belajar." i was just smiling to him, realizing that he was making fun of my story. doesn't matter, that guy always have no respect to me all these time by the way. now, that is my story of my dream. what about you? do you believe it?


Ihsan said…

What does he look like when he smiled at you? Did you feel like in awe and speechless? Just wondering.

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