communicating with our baby

this afternoon, i took my wife for another shopping session. well...should i be straight? looking for her maternity "internal dress". other than that, we were trying to buy as many as possible our baby's items. i mean, not that many lah (apakan?). actually, saja jer survey barang2 baby. we were wondering actually, apa saja barang yang kan dibali kan untuk persediaan menyambut baby ni? we are really clueless by now, nda tau apa yang patut dan apa yang tak patut dibeli.

ok then, back to my topic. i was talking to our baby again yesterday, n my wife said that our baby was moving and kicking again, and much more frequent from time to time. then, just now (before i write this blog), i was putting my hand at my wife's belly, when suddenly i felt a movement, like a kicking. haha...really exciting. my wife said that from time to time, the kicking could get harder. alhamdulillah, means that our baby is very active, very healthy indeed. hehe, i want to feel it again later... :)


zealous said…
awwwwwwwww =)

Sir, is the baby a boy or a girl?

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