PMB 2008 results

i know this might be kind of old already. i went to the school today to submit a document when the principal called me. i thought like there might be something wrong, and yes it was. she complained to me about one of my form 3 students, the only one who failed the PMB 2008. i was kinda shocked, since i didn't know that the results were out already. according to her, our school was very close to defeat the "star school" of our country. actually, we are on par in terms of quantity, both school with only one student failed the exam, but in terms of percentage, our school is defeated by a very small margin. we are tied with 99 percent, only the point something that makes the difference. haiya...

actually, the principal was not mad or angry or something like that. it's just, we are really really close, for the first time, to make our ranking on top of the table, of not because of this student. it showed that the quality in the school is improving from time to time. so it will not be a surprise, during registration later (for form 4), there would be an increase in demand from parents to register their daughter(s) in the school. antah ah, barangkali jua lah ah, ikut pengalaman masa menjaga registration dulu bah, sampai ada yang kan kelahi pasal kami inda mau menerima anak dorang masuk. haha...btw, i will leave that to the admin.

for those who might still be looking for the complete list, i have it here. yes, it is free, inda ada 3 ringgit kana charge ni. haha...grab it


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