Asyfa...11 months later's like in a blink of the eyes, Asyfa has grown up infront of our eyes. In about a week, he will be 1 year. Barely got the time to update this blog to report his development. What I can say in short, his improvements are very obvious. He learnt a lot of newly founded games by himself that he enjoyed doing it, his crawling speed has increased (banar...nalih kan nguyung kadang2), he even started to imitate the behaviour of the people he observed, mumbling even more and what I personally like, he seems to understand what we said to him. newly founded games? see pix below. he loves to play with this car, even making the sound of the engine by himself by doing that mumbling noise. one time we brought him to the arcade to play that electric car. when I said "ok Asyfa, time to go" he then cried, aloud! hehe... another newly founded skill. singing? hehe...bakal juara P2F in the future another game that he likes to play that we don't really like...climbing stairs. selagi alum sampai ke tingkat atas, jangan tah kan diangkat, kana marah ada lah. haha...


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