asyfa...10 months later

it was like in a blink of the eyes, asyfa is now 10 months old. hoho...he added some more words into his own vocabulary collection such as mbah, kaka and inda, and the thing is, he now knows when to be angry to people. inda lama plg ia marah, tapi dangar saja tia ia mumbling sepanjang masa atu. another thing, ia dah tau kan minta bawa jalan2 kadai. pantang lihat ahli keluarga pakai baju smart, harum2, he will approach the person and start to behave very nice to that person. nya tani, intu2 bah. senyum2 ia tu dengan lebarnya, dengan harapan kana bawa jalan. mun inda sampai hajat, dangar tia another mumbling session with asyfa. haha...


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