inspiration part 2

yesterday, when me and my wife were going shopping, i met one of my former students, ummi. i taught her class when i was doing my teaching praxis at smpaphm in 2005, and tutored her in 2006 at reed's tutorial school. we had this very brief conversation on how she was doing. she said "i'm stress now, since A-level is just around the corner. awu ah, sir tau? aku and zati kana offer scholarship."
me : wow, banar bah? congratz ih. bila tah u pigi?
ummi : zati saja kali, sal aku inda kana lapas leh my mother.
me : ih, sayang jua...scholarship mana?
ummi : ke Bradford.

those are some of our conversations contents. the point is, how glad i am to hear all these news that she mentioned. not to say that it is because of me that they succeed, doa masa dulu tu rasanya telah dikabulkan. 

i still remember how these girls struggled in their studies (especially math). they were not in the science class, they were in C class. they positive things that i could see from them is that, they want to improve themselves no matter what it takes. frankly, when the o-level was just about few days to go, both of these girls showed a lot of improvements in their math, whether they realize it or not. 

oh yah, one more thing. my boss in reed's tutorial school once came to talk to me (in early 2006). "what did you do Mr Zimin? this year, our business went like boom. a lot of girls from puteri masna came here, registered their name, and with one condition lagi tu. they want you to tutor them! i even asked one of the girls, why Mr Zimin? She said, you got this special formula that makes math easy." How embarassing, but at the same time, felt honoured since these girls put their trusts in me. 

to ALL my students and also former students, if you are reading this, i always pray for your success. AMIN


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