asyfa...puasa and raya

this year is the first puasa and raya experience for asyfa. of course lah, last year during the same time, he was still in his womb. since the ramadhan holidays took off early (about two weeks before raya), both me and my wife took this golden opportunity to monitor asyfa 24/7, and noticed some changes and improvements shown by him. the most remarkable ones was his ability to crawl. yup, before this, he could only sit and crawl with assistance, now he is able to do it by himself.

these two pictures above were taken during asyfa's first independent crawl.

asyfa with his cousins

by the time i am reporting this, asyfa is already 9 months old. just yesterday, asyfa got his first two milk teeth (CONGRATULATIONS!!!), and of course the side effect? he got fever, high possibility due to the pain of the teeth pointing out of the gum. 


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