asyfa...7 months later (updated)

actually, there are a lot of his pix in my hd, still unprocessed. Insya-Allah, next week he will turn 8 (months). a lot of changes we have observed during his 7th month, especially the special word he said to me whenever he sees me and his mother. he is able to say "babah" and "mama" loud and clear. and the one thing that i enjoyed? now i am able to play with him a lot of the time since he responded very well to pee-a-boos and teases. can't wait to see him to be able to walk, although i heard a lot of advices that, once they are able to walk, it will be another level of headache. haha...
currently, asyfa is 8 months old. updated here are the pictures that i processed. 


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