sir sir!!! napa sir pandai math? bukan kan angkat bakul. saja teringat soalan cepumas yang pernah ditanya oleh some of my students rah tempat tutorial school dulu. kan diingat tu, lucu tu ada jua, tapi kesian kan that student tu pun ada jua. she knew that ia memang inda seberapa kan math ani, so banyak soalan lah dia tanya.
then, out of nowhere, bercakap tia kan, "sir, cana kan sir pandai math ani?" hmm...terdiam kajap lah masa tu. i really don't know what to say. kalau kan diikutkan, i was not really good in math ani dulu sampailah ke form 3 (really, my math grade in BJCE was just credit, not distinction). because for me dulu atu kan, all subjects ani we need to memorize to survive. only after we were in form 4, after the first assessment, fikiran ani mula berfikir secara logik (nya org Brunei, baru tah kan start berakal berabis). rupanya math ani, bukan kan dihafal... math needs practice, the more the better. also, when you were doing the practice, you need to think of its logic. because believe me, maths is always logic.
from that moment, i always look forward for another assessment, and also new topics. the more challenging it is, the better. and that is why i took additional math as my option subject. well, it does give me an advantage. since additional math is like another level of math, our thinking skill pun improve. nya orang kan, mun udah biasa payah ani, soalan math biasa ani macam cakui ganya. haha...
so, students out there who wished to be good in math, i just have one advice.
ni banar ni...mun dah kelanguan tu kan, petanda baik tu. napa? cuba tah dulu, you will understand it. cheers
then, out of nowhere, bercakap tia kan, "sir, cana kan sir pandai math ani?" hmm...terdiam kajap lah masa tu. i really don't know what to say. kalau kan diikutkan, i was not really good in math ani dulu sampailah ke form 3 (really, my math grade in BJCE was just credit, not distinction). because for me dulu atu kan, all subjects ani we need to memorize to survive. only after we were in form 4, after the first assessment, fikiran ani mula berfikir secara logik (nya org Brunei, baru tah kan start berakal berabis). rupanya math ani, bukan kan dihafal... math needs practice, the more the better. also, when you were doing the practice, you need to think of its logic. because believe me, maths is always logic.
from that moment, i always look forward for another assessment, and also new topics. the more challenging it is, the better. and that is why i took additional math as my option subject. well, it does give me an advantage. since additional math is like another level of math, our thinking skill pun improve. nya orang kan, mun udah biasa payah ani, soalan math biasa ani macam cakui ganya. haha...
so, students out there who wished to be good in math, i just have one advice.
ni banar ni...mun dah kelanguan tu kan, petanda baik tu. napa? cuba tah dulu, you will understand it. cheers