a walk in Empire Hotel Brunei

it has been a long time since the last time i took my wife to the Empire Hotel. so last tuesday, i took her to that place. when was the last time? hmmm...maybe masa tahun 2005 kali, alum kahwin tu. haha...saja jer round2 the area of the hotel, which is very pleasant. ok, back to present. sampai jer sana, ada manyak kereta. we wondered why, maybe ada special event? rupanya, ada splash at the pool.

a lot of families in there, parents taking their kids just for the splash, and even some were staying in the hotel since the new year's eve. i don't dare to point my camera towards the pool, takut...karang kana ucap lain. mana inda, the omputehs biasalah, macam negeri dorang dibuatnya, memakai pakaian semacam atu. yang herannya, bini2 melayu pun ada yang memakai pakaian semacam atu. we were wondering, is this the normal scene that can be viewed here? or maybe it is just us yang sakai nya orang brunei. anyway, i managed to shoot some great views from the hotel. not a good shot though. by the way, did i mention that we met one of HM's daughter?


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