Umrah bersama HTH Travel Agency

salam to all people who got the time to visit my blog. straight to the point.
semasa cuti penggal persekolahan kedua yang baru saja lalu, me and my wife telah berkesempatan untuk mengerjakan ibadah umrah. Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan lancar. the flight is not a direct one, we had some transits in singapore for about 5 hours and doha, qatar for another 9 hours, then baru tah sampai ke jeddah. dari jeddah tarus naik bas menuju ke kota cahaya, madinah al-munawarah, again it took another 8 hours to reach the destination. only at madinah al-munawarah then we had the chance to rest since iatah tempat hotel kami tu, hotel Dallah Taibah.

in singapore, we arrived at terminal 2, then kami tarus ke terminal 3 using the skytrain since our next flight will be using that terminal. sekali masa di terminal 3, ada tia pekerja atu memblok kami. ia tanya dengan konpiden, then senyum dengan konpiden, memberitahu dengan konpiden yang flight kami pakai terminal 1. so, kami pun jalan lah beramai2 ke terminal 1. sekali sudah di sana, check schedule arah tv, nada pun flight kami kana mention. pekerja atu pun bertanya tia dengan konpiden lagi arah kami, "ur flight is via dubai right?" Astaghfirullah...cubaan pertama ni kali. nyaring udah kami cakap arahnya VIA DOHA, he even took our ticketing schedule, nampak kali ah DOHA, not DUBAI. so pekerja ani pun again, dengan konpidennya, lead our way, all the way back to terminal 3, JALAN KAKI LAGI TU! diri ani inda pulang, dangan bah, banyak orang veteran. ada one of them tarus becakap, keluar perambahan Brunei tarus, "awu, kitani ani macam pusu mengiring ih" and my wife tarus sakit parut menahan ketawa, macam tarus dapat imagine macamana pusu swimming in groups.
i forgot to bring my tripod along, so i just timed my camera, 100 iso, 2 sec, raw. cantek (in my personal view lah), as you can see, ada people standing still, ada some people moving.
laa...mana gambar di kota cahaya ah? lupa kali upload. nvm, tarus saja lah. both pix up and below were taken when we were visiting Masjid Quba, the first mosque built by our Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

in pix above, on the left is Hj Mahali, person in=charge and on the right is Ustaz Apandi (lurus kah spelling atu), our tour guide.

these three pix above were taken when we were visiting Ladang Kurma. apa lagi, tarus lah membuat 'lontaran'

astagh, di sini rupanya gambar di kota cahaya ani. hehe...yup, the pix above were taken in Madinah al-Munawarah. the first two are the famous Masjid Nabawi, where setiap ibadah di dalam masjid ani bersamaan dengan 1000x ibadah di masjid tempat lain. dan di dalam masjid inilah juga terletaknya Maqam Rasulullah dan taman syurga Raudhah (correct me if i am wrong).
above is the entrance no 1 of Masjidilharam, Mekah, right infront of our hotel, ZamZam Tower. the pix is taken right after solat fardhu Subuh. see the sky? it's already bright.
these three veterans, Hj Taib, Hj Ahmad and Hj Madni were my best pals all the way from Brunei to Mekah. very nice to know them.


Anonymous said…

Ada emailkah durang HTH ani?
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