new year new days new me

been quite a while since i updated this blog. been quite a while since i pressed my finger on that precious 350d trigger. bee quite a while since i remained passive in this cyber world. haha...apakan?

well, really, quite some time now i have rested my 35od from doing its job. just need to rest my mind a little bit, looking for some more fresh ideas by reading and viewing a lot of magazines that might ring a bell. also, to make things interesting (for me), i am still undecided what to do with my allocated gadget budget, whether to purchase a PS3 (which is reviewed by quite a number of my colleagues as a no-regret purchase ever) or a DSLR flash 430EX II (i need it to shoot much better pix)

today, i was supposed to help my colleague with his film project, however i can't. Asyfa is not feeling quite well, so me and my wife took him to the Borneo Clinic @ Sengkurong. Asyfa seems to have forgotten about that place that he cried. kesian...pikirnya tempat baru kali bah, iatah macam takut tia. when the doctor was checking his chest, Asyfa was like...apa ni nya orang Brunei, menala. we were very scared, ia menala sampai pucat mukanya. as soon as the checking routine was done, i asked my wife to take Asyfa into the car while i waited for the medicine.

as for school, well, been almost two weeks since the school reopened. i don't know, but i feel like never better. i felt like my confidence is quite and much higher than my previous 3 years in the school. today, i was supposed to prepare some teaching and learning aids for my men 3 students, and yes as usual, i forgot to prepare them. so i used another alternative, and surprisingly, the students seems to enjoy the lesson and understand them well.

lastly, what's your new year resolution? as for me, a simple one. i want to change from days to days, so that the today's me is much more better than yesterday's me. insya-Allah


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